About MyTree


About MyTree

MyTree is a tree registry for documenting tree species in Hong Kong country parks and countryside. Using citizen science methodologies, it aims to encourage the public to learn about trees, forests, ecosystem services and their relationship with the environment. Through advancing knowledge of trees and their importance, it also aims to encourage the public to take ownership of caring and protecting our trees.


Objectives of MyTree

  1. Establish and enrich the local tree registry through crowdsourcing
  2. Public engagement through citizen science and education
  3. Supporting academic research on carbon storage estimation, valuation of ecosystem services and forest strategy of Hong Kong country parks 

About Parks and Trails

Parks and Trails is a non-profit organisation based in Hong Kong with a focus on nature conservation. 

Our work is guided by the values of sustainability, well-being, and responsible use, and aims to increase people’s engagement in the “Three Cares” (Self Care, Care for Others, Care for Nature). Through data insights, engagement and education, Parks and Trails hopes to provide impactful services to hikers and other stakeholders as well as to encourage them to take responsibility and action, to better enjoy and protect the Nature of Hong Kong.

Our vision is a vibrant Nature for All in Hong Kong.


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